...that the cat does actually love me, even if it's only when he's not home:
I had to document that Moki climbed into my lap while I was trying to upload some photos on my computer. She NEVER does this to me when Duncan is home. So, while he may be the favorite, I am still loved :)
In other news, the Meadows are glad that fall has come! Though it's a bit gloomy outside today, these lower temperatures have been a nice treat! I'm glad to be able to break my sweaters out!
Highlights from the past few weeks:
- Duncan is really enjoying Hebrew, even more than Greek. He's such a good ancient language scholar.
- Whitney got to welcome fall at the Apple Festival in Ellijay with some girls from core group last weekend. It was COLD, but so much fun.
- Whitney also got to experience a "first time movie" with her World Relief family this weekend. It's a little hard to explain what "going to the movies" to non-English speakers, but everyone seemed to enjoy Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
- There came a breaking point in which my clothes were piled so high outside of my closet, that Duncan mandated that something be done. I spent yesterday re-organizing my closet (with Duncan's help) and it's undergone a miraculous change! Anyone who has seen any of my closets ever can see why this is worthy of note.
- Duncan's birthday is only a few weeks away. He is quite excited and will surely have an update following!
And now, for your funny Moki closing photo:
(Moki likes it when TOMS come in the mail as she get a new sitting box).