Saturday, October 24, 2009

Proof for My Husband

...that the cat does actually love me, even if it's only when he's not home:

I had to document that Moki climbed into my lap while I was trying to upload some photos on my computer. She NEVER does this to me when Duncan is home. So, while he may be the favorite, I am still loved :)

In other news, the Meadows are glad that fall has come! Though it's a bit gloomy outside today, these lower temperatures have been a nice treat! I'm glad to be able to break my sweaters out!

Highlights from the past few weeks:
  • Duncan is really enjoying Hebrew, even more than Greek. He's such a good ancient language scholar.

  • Whitney got to welcome fall at the Apple Festival in Ellijay with some girls from core group last weekend. It was COLD, but so much fun.

  • Whitney also got to experience a "first time movie" with her World Relief family this weekend. It's a little hard to explain what "going to the movies" to non-English speakers, but everyone seemed to enjoy Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

  • There came a breaking point in which my clothes were piled so high outside of my closet, that Duncan mandated that something be done. I spent yesterday re-organizing my closet (with Duncan's help) and it's undergone a miraculous change! Anyone who has seen any of my closets ever can see why this is worthy of note.

  • Duncan's birthday is only a few weeks away. He is quite excited and will surely have an update following!

And now, for your funny Moki closing photo:

(Moki likes it when TOMS come in the mail as she get a new sitting box).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Family Photo Shoot

All the Meadows crammed in onto our tiny Ikea couch this afternoon...
so we took this golden opportunity to take a few photos. Enjoy!

Shot # 1
You'll notice who the only one who is entirely in the photo is Moki Cat.
This seems appropriate somehow.

Shot # 2
Moki has already posed for one photo, and has had enough.
Notice our death grip on her.

Shot # 3
Whitney is intent on making this work.

Shot # 4
Whitney is so intent on making this work that she has started to make
strange hand movements to get Moki's attention. Not working.

Shot # 5
Whitney and Moki (but where is Duncan?)

Shot # 7
Both Whitney and Moki annoyed at each other and this process

Shot #8
Whitney got the memo to look at the camera, but Moki did not.

Shot # 9
Close enough.

Shot # 10
Moki didn't want me to upload these, as you can tell
she is sitting on my laptop. But she lost the battle, and now
you get to enjoy the Meadows Photo Adventure.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baking Gluten-Free

We documented the Blondie baking process just for the blog :) Mom and I visited a Harry's Farmer Market in Marietta today which had a plethora of gluten-free goodies including blondie mix! This dessert is something I miss most about no more wheat (and Applebees will just never be worth going to without the possibility of eating this delicacy). So, imagine my joy when I found this (AND gluten-free hamburger buns to make our veggie burger dinner complete!).

Mom will be glad to know the stand mixer is used nearly every weekend (at least).

Mixer in action. How did we ever mix without it?

Initial entry into the oven

Finished baking (turned out nicely, no?) When substituted applesauce for oil and added a few white chocolate chips to the mix.

I don't even want to tell you what's in the sauce. It made my heart hurt (probably because of blocking an artery, and in sadness at the absolute unhealthiness of this necessity to make the blondie truly good.).

Final product. It wasn't quite as good as the Applebees version, but they have had time to perfect it, right? BUT, it was still delicious and definitely worth making again.

And now, we close with a brief Moki series. This is her sphinx pose... which is what she does while I'm baking. I think she looks quite satisfied.

Moki also benefits when we get now TOMS. We're thinking about decorating the box as Moki's house. When this happens, we'll post more photos.

Duncan tried to feed Moki and a cracker last night. You see how well this went over. She's way to smart for that :)