Thursday, January 13, 2011

2010 in Review (from Whitney)

This is the survey we each completed last year, and now that we're half-way through January, I remembered that 2010 might be worth reviewing.

What was the best part of last year? - This is hard question this year as so many fabulous things happened. Let's just say that the summer of 2010 was by far the best summer ever. Yes, even thinking back to the glorious days of summer breaks, this summer was incredible with the purchase of our first home, traveling to Africa, Mosa, and the like.

What was the worst part of last year?
- The worst part... I think some of the worst parts were probably associated with the great parts. Seeing the orphanage is Lesotho was heart-breaking, but also life-giving. There was a lot to wrestle with through that experience which provided access to some dark places, hard questions... but good questions to be asking.

What was the biggest surprise of last year? - We bought a house. Seriously, that's crazy.

What are you most looking forward to next year? - Duncan finding full-time employment—and the paycheck that will come with it!

Is there anything you are not looking forward to next year? - I'm sure there are few things here and there, but nothing worth spilling here.

Which new years resolutions did you keep last year? - Based on my answer from 2009, I did read much more. Time management got somewhat better... exercise, always a fail. :(

Which new years resolutions did you break last year? - See above...

What will be your new years resolutions next year?
- Read the Bible 5 days per week, kiss my husband more, give more money away, and save more money.

Which resolution are you most likely to break? - The money one is definitely the hardest.

Which resolution are you most likely to keep? - Kissing my husband, duh. That's the easiest resolution ever!

What will you be doing on new years eve? - What did I do? I went out dancing with my dear friend Andrea, and we had a ball!

Who will you be with at new years eve? - Andrea and Duncan (who made a late-night appearance after work)

Who do you want to kiss to see the new year in? - My one and only!

Who will you probably end up kissing to see the new year in? - Wow, we're focused on New Years...

What was the best song of last year? - Best song of 2010? That's hard... let's see... I think I have to give it to "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence + the Machine. Every time they played it on Star 94, I wondered if I was still listening to that station... in a good way. I thought it was way too good to be played on Star 94.

What was the best TV show of last year? - I still have to give it to Dexter. Seriously, could they stress me out any more? I'm literally on the edge of my seat at the end of every episode. This season started off slow, but it quickly returned to awesomeness.

What was the best book you read last year? - Oh my... 'Not For Sale' really changed the way I looked at the world... also, Brothers Karamazov was excellent (and I was proud of myself for reading the whole thing in less than a month!)

What was the best film of last year? - We still don't often go see movies, so I'm going to refrain from answering this one. I think the best one probably came out at the end of the year, which means we have a while before they hit Netflix, which means I haven't seen the best movie of 2010 yet.

What change would you like to make to your life next year? - Spend more time with friends

What change would you like to see in the world next year? - This year I found myself often praying that Jesus would come back—like, let's end this thing; it's gotten too crazy. Learning more about things like human trafficking and reading books like 'A Child Called It' make me long for reconciliation, for things to be put right... for things to be as God originally planned. When I stand back and think about how evil humanity can be, I think, surely there must be a God, because without Him, what hope do we have? So, to answer the question, I pray we see reconciliation in the world. I pray we see people turn from brokeness and toward goodness, toward love, toward hope. And here's hoping I can be a part of that shift!

Get Me Out of Here!

So, we're on day four of not leaving the house... or, I am. Duncan ventured over to the seminary to class. Being the good student that he is, he could not bare to miss another day of school. The office at the church has been closed Monday-Thursday. If we have any out-of-state readers, hopefully you already know that Atlanta completely shuts down when we have ice. We usually shut down for snow, but I feel confident in my assumption that only ice has the power to hold us hostage for nearly a week in our homes.

But during our last encounter with icy roads, I discovered that driving on ice is terrifying. There isn't much you can do except float atop the frigid streets until you hit something... and you just pray that whatever that something may be, that it not be of value, and certainly not something that would require an insurance claim. Plus, on our way home we saw that every overpass on I-20 had an accident, and on Glenwood (our exit) there was a four-car-collision. Yikes! So.... based on this recent experience, when ice hit Atlanta again, I vowed to stay put. And stay put I have—other than a few neighborhood jaunts. Walking the dog is quite treacherous in such conditions as he has no traction, yet somehow still maintains enough force to pull you along the ice. Sound like fun? It's not. No one has any control and, therefore, I elect all outside time occur in the safety of our crunchy backyard.

I've been doing a good amount of work from home. I gladly enjoy time I am able to spend on the iMac—but I prepared for one snow day, not four... so I'm running out of things to do with limited access to files. Luckily, the office is one of the warmer spots in the house now that we've put the thermostat down to 60 (December was a brutal month for our gas bill). However, the warmest spot in the house is definitely underneath the layers of blanket (including one electric) in the coziness of our bed. But who wants to stay in bed for four days straight?!

So, I sign off, a bit chilled and a lot stir-crazy. I cannot wait to leave the house tomorrow, but will appreciate prayers and good wishes for safety for all whom will hit the Atlanta roads (and maybe we can throw a prayer in for a few more snow plows??).


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Holidays

The holidays were extremely happy in the Meadows household. This was our first Christmas in our house--and we love this house. I'm not sure if it's simply because it is ours, or if it's because the house is so us... or exactly what it is that makes us constantly comment on how much we love the house, but suffice it to say that the house was a fabulous place for some Christmas festivities this year.

I went through Duncan's photos to try to find some that highlighted the last several weeks... we actually didn't do a very a good job of capturing people in all of their Christmas bliss (and we totally forgot to take any pictures with our dear friends the Robinsons who so graciously opened their home to us!)... but of course we're loaded with pet pictures, so we hope you enjoy the following.

Christmas Eve... Mosa models his Christmas bandana while anxiously awaiting for his extended family.

I still love on the cat, don't worry. Mosa had not made her the forgotten pet. However, with his arrival, she has kind of become a jerk as you will see in the following three photos.

After our love fest, Moki decided to tell me that she was done with me. Love 'em, and leave 'em, right? Duncan happened to catch her mid-attack. I think I am actually the funniest part of this picture with my mouth agape at the shock of her sudden mood-swing.

And, in her jerkiness, Moki has also decided it is her mission in life to destroy ALL the blinds in the house.

And just so you can see how ridiculous this is... you'll see that we do raise the blinds for her, but she must peer through the blinds, not beneath them.

Christmas morning at the Meadows'! I think I was showing off my kindle.

Sisters! I love my sweet Nicole.

And here she is in all of her cuteness. Seriously, look how cute she is! (And showing off her new camera)

White Christmas--the view from our front door! (MAGICAL!)

And here is Mosa in some leftover snow. Apparently, he LOVES snow. Who knew?

The Monday following Christmas we took a very brief, but lovely, trip up to Tennessee. Mosa came with us. He had more room than we did! And he travels in style, of course, with his blue hoodie. It was snowy... seemed like a good idea.

This is what most of our drive looked like. Isn't that just beautiful?

Here is Mosa both modeling his hoodie and enjoying the snow. He loved being at the Robinsons' as he could be off-leash. Sorry, Mosa–you're a city dog. You can only be a farm dog on vacation.

The wheat (?) was frozen and was sparkling in the sunlight. Beautiful!

More pretty scenery from Tennesee

Here I am as we prepare to leave from the Robinsons' lovely home. We had so much fun spending time with their sweet family.

And now we close with my parents' puppy Isabelle in one of Dad's birthday gifts—a Falcons jersey, just for her. We got an extra small because she was about 8 pounds? And it was too small. What dog can wear that?? But Dad made some adjustments so she could breathe.

It looked like a little muscle shirt, which made it even better.

Now we're getting back into the swing of things. Duncan resumes class tomorrow... and is actually beginning the job-hunt process. That is both scary and exciting, and we'd appreciate your prayers in that direction.

Hope your holidays were as fabulous as ours!