Friday, July 27, 2007

Home at last: Part 1

I tell you, it is good to be home. We have seen many amazing things, and have gotten very good at walking all day in 100 degree heat on only a bottle of water and a few sandwiches, and we are dirt broke. Our trip was unforgettable, though, and we will always remember it.

So! My computer is very slow at uploading pictures, so I will post all those promised pics from our last few days in a couple of installments-- yes, I'm lazy, but aren't 3 posts better than one? I thought so. :-)

This was my last view of Urban Junction, after my lovely 7 weeks.

First stop-- Pompeii!

There were murals like this everywhere-- it was incredible how well preserved they were, and also how detailed and numerous.

Another view down a street. Pompeii is surprisingly large, and you can get a good sense of what it must have been like in its prime.
Another mural. I think he just burped or something.
The loo.
Now we are in Rome! This is an archway in the ruins of the Forum, which was also a stunning venue.
A very dark and scary tunnel, which had mangy pigeons and everything. I had to document it to show how brave Whitney was in traversing it.
The Colosseum.
A Whitney, and the Colosseum.
Another building in the Forum. I am always amazed at how advanced the Roman society was-- consider that this building is at least 2000 years old or so.
A good vantage of the Forum. See what I mean about advanced?
Now in the Vatican City, and St. Peter being his fierce self.
One of many beautifully ornate ceilings.
The masterpiece that is Michelangelo's Pieta.
You have no idea how big and overwhelming St. Peter's is until you go inside of it.
St. Peter tut-tutting some sinners.
A giant pinecone. I needn't say more.
A glorious ceiling in the Vatican Museum.

And that is a brief rundown of our time in Pompeii and Rome. Tomorrow, we bring you Florence and Paris! And, the last day will be Barcelona and Madrid. Stay tuned, folks!

-Duncan (and Whitney)


whit said...

Very nice! I still can't believe that you guys packed all that in with such little time. Very impressive. I hope your jet lag isn't as bad as mine, I'm barely staying awake!

Anonymous said...


Amazing photography! Amazing experience!
So glad y'all are home!!! :)

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